Primary School Višnjevac has around 500 students (6/7-14/15 years) and 40 teachers. The school is in the vicinity of Osijek, which is the fourth largest city in Croatia as well as the economic and cultural center of the eastern Croatian region of Slavonia. Osijek is located on the right bank of the river Drava. The earliest recorded mention of Osijek dates back to 1196.
The following subjects are obligatory in Croatian primary schools: Croatian language, Mathematics, Science, English language, Art, Music, P.E. (for grades 1-4), History, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Design and Technology (for grades 5-8).
Students can choose some other subjects as well, such as German Language, Catholic religious education and ICT. We are also involved in many different activities and always organize different theme days, or integrated days in our school. For example, we have project days on different topics (Traffic or Water day). Our school also celebrates the Teachers' day when we organize different activities with our students (e.g. guest teachers who are usually students' parents and who give lectures that day). The International day of the gifted is another special day in our school when the gifted pupils give interesting lectures in different subjects.
Our students are involved in many extracurricular activities such as playing instruments, dancing, singing in a choir, creative writing, sign language, Red cross, sports. Every year our students participate in sports and knowledge competitions which are organized by the Ministry of Science and Education. We are very proud of our students and their accomplishments.
Primary School Višnjevac was renovated ten years ago – the school now has a large gym, well equipped classrooms, and the teachers got offices where they can work before or after their lessons. Our school has taken part in six Erasmus + Projects so far and most teachers have expressed their desire to participate in projects in order to learn something new and improve their way of work. They also point out that meeting new friends and exchanging experiences means a lot to them and their careers.