Project Partner

Technıkum Informatykı Edukacji Innowacyjnej


Technikum Informatyki Edukacji Innowacyjnej is a private vocational school, located in Łódź, Poland. School belongs to the group of “Schools of Innovative Education” operating in the whole country.

The school provides good learning conditions for young people who want to develop their social, business and creativity skills as they are absolutely necessary in the modern IT sector. Our school provides strictly technical profile with particular focus on IT, automation, programming and science. Our qualified teachers and innovative teaching methods ensure effective results.

In the school’s strategy international cooperation with other schools or universities plays important role. Our qualified staff exchange experiences and transfer best practices to our school.

Our graduates are self-confident, open to the world and other people. They are able to take on new challenges as well as think creatively and in a non-standard way.

Website: https://lodz.sei.edu.pl/technikum-informatyczne-lodz/

Facebook: https://pl-pl.facebook.com/SzkolyEdukacjiInnowacyjnej/